Flossie and I enjoy meeting the locals when we’re out walking.
We’ve built up a diverse collection of people who we nod, wave and chat to as we do our daily circuit, ranging from neighbours and friends who we actually know, to people who have become familiar because we see them so often.
It’s uplifting to exchange a cheery good morning, chat about the weather and swap news.
Flossie sometimes takes our sociability a step further.
She once stopped dead by a parked car and refused to move. Wagging her tail, she stared at the female driver until the woman lowered the window and reached out to stroke her.
It was a little embarrassing.
Last week she surpassed herself.
As we walked past a house around the corner from ours, the front door opened. Two women stepped out to find Flossie on their doorstep, wagging madly, apparently waiting to be asked inside.
Fortunately, they were very taken with her.
After we chatted, they started to walk to their car, obviously keen to get to wherever they were going.
Flossie escorted them.
There was much laughter.
Eventually, I managed to move her along so they could get on with their day.
I’m always pleased if Flossie has a positive interaction with strangers because she can be an anxious dog.
And this was certainly low-key compared to when my previous dog, Dotty, somehow managed to pay a visit to our next door neighbours one Christmas day.
She slipped through their open door, helped herself to a bowl of cat food, and worked her way towards the perfectly cooked turkey resting on the side.
I arrived, hot on her heels, looking and feeling rather flustered.
There was then a scene not unlike one from Tom & Jerry.
It was like trying to catch a slippery eel. She was having a great time.
Fortunately, again, the neighbours thought it was hilarious.
I’m pretty sure it made their Christmas.
As I said, it’s a friendly neighbourhood.
And, tis the season and all that.
As published in the Bath Chronicle, 28 December 2023
Suzy Pope is a certified copywriter and newspaper columnist specialising in pets, business and lifestyle. If you would like help with a writing project, please get in touch.