The new year got off to a slow start for me and Flossie. In fact, things have been pretty much at a standstill.
This was triggered by a dramatic trip to A&E the week before Christmas with a suspected reaction to something I’d eaten. It turned out to be shingles.
Everything had to be put on hold for my recovery, including work projects and Christmas plans.
Shingles can be nasty. If you’ve ever had chicken pox, and most of us have, the latent virus stays with you for the rest of your life. It can be reactivated when you’re older, typically by stress, and the result is shingles. And, unless you ensure you rest and recover properly, there is a risk of long-term complications and recurrence.
I’ve taken it as a warning. I’ve had a lot of emotional stress over the last few years and I’ve also taken on too much work in recent months. I do look after myself but my body has given me a clear sign that I need to take a break.
So, I’m following Flossie’s example. She rests a lot, particularly after any activity, and she sleeps every afternoon, for a long time.
I’ve had three weeks of complete rest and I’ve drastically cut down my workload for the next couple of months.
We have regular afternoon naps. Flossie really enjoys these. Most days she disappears upstairs to get on the bed before I do.
Recovery has been slow but I’m making progress. I’m actually thankful to the illness because it’s forced me to take stock and adjust my life so I can be healthy again.
And Flossie has been a great comfort. She knows I’m not well and has accepted that life hasn’t been too exciting lately.
Hopefully, we can soon get back to living life to the full, with the occasional afternoon nap thrown in.
As published in the Bath Chronicle, 27 January 2022
Suzy Pope is a certified copywriter and newspaper columnist specialising in pets, business and lifestyle. If you would like help with a writing project, please get in touch.