Over the years I’ve had several encounters with cows on walks. I’m always wary and will walk miles to circumnavigate them.
Once, Flossie and I found ourselves in the middle of a herd of cows in a nearby village. We were crossing a seemingly empty field, only to walk over the brow of a hill and discover several livestock, looming large in front of us as they chomped quietly on the grass.
These were calm creatures. They barely lifted their heads from grazing, but I didn’t risk walking through them.
We retraced our steps to go the long way round.
Another time, as Flossie and I walked along the edge of a field in the same village, a cluster of frisky young cows jostled excitedly alongside us. Fortunately, they were on the other side of a fence but it was a little alarming.
So, when Flossie and I arrived at the top of our usual field last week, we approached with caution.
The field is divided into two sections. One is home to a herd of handsome, russet-coloured cows, the other is clear to walk through.
But on this occasion, it looked like one cow was standing on “our” side of the fence.
I faltered and kept Flossie on the lead.
My eyesight is not the best, even when I’m wearing glasses, but we were so far away, it was hard to see clearly.
Thinking I was being clever, I took a photo of the cow with my phone. Then I zoomed in on the photo so I could appraise the situation from a safe distance.
All I could see was a blurred lump of brown.
I was none the wiser.
I knew the fence was sturdy so it was unlikely that the cow had strayed to our side.
Bravely, we started to creep across the field, Flossie giving me puzzled looks.
As we neared the cow, it became obvious that I was right about the fence.
We were clear to pass.
Maybe I need some new glasses.
As published in the Bath Chronicle, 25 January 2024
Suzy Pope is a certified copywriter and newspaper columnist specialising in pets, business and lifestyle. If you would like help with a writing project, please get in touch.