Flossie and I almost spent the Christmas break alone again this year.
We were due to visit my family for a few days. However, Covid struck, and scuppered our plans. I was fit and healthy but, sadly, nobody else in my family was.
After the initial disappointment, we were rescued by neighbours and friends and managed to enjoy the holiday period in good company.
We reconvened with my family a couple of weeks later when they had all recovered, for my niece’s birthday.
This involved a four hour round trip in atrocious driving conditions, on a weekday evening. On that particular day, the rain was torrential, and I’d already spent a great deal of time cleaning up Flossie after an extremely muddy walk.
We met up at my parents’ house and enjoyed finally being reunited. However, the celebrations included going out for dinner and leaving Flossie in my parents’ kitchen.
While she’s visited their new house a few times, she hasn’t been left alone there, although she’s perfectly fine when left on her own at home.
When we returned from our delicious meal, all seemed peaceful, and I was quietly pleased that she’d behaved herself.
However, she was not happy that we had abandoned her.
She made her feelings known.
She worked her way around the room noisily “telling off” each person individually for leaving her. She is part Siberian husky and her voice is ear-splittingly “howly”.
It was rather entertaining.
I let her out into the garden where she went bananas in the rain. She hurtled round at breakneck speed and then raced back inside.
Before I could stop her, she continued her zoomies around my parents house, with wet, muddy feet.
There was no stopping her. She was Tigger on steroids.
To my horror, carpets and sofas did not escape her skidding paws.
Luckily, my parents were relaxed about it, as I scurried around trying to clean up after my appallingly behaved dog.
That’s the great thing about having a dog-loving family.
As published in the Bath Chronicle, 26 January 2023
Suzy Pope is a certified copywriter and newspaper columnist specialising in pets, business and lifestyle. If you would like help with a writing project, please get in touch.